ULN2003 Motor Driver IC SOP16 Package
The ULN2003 ICs are high-voltage, high-current Darlington arrays, each containing seven pairs of open-collector common emitters. Each pair is rated at 500 mA. Suppression diodes are used to drive the inductive load, and the inputs and outputs are pin-out to simplify board layout. The device options are designed to be compatible with common logic families:
ULN2002A (14-25V PMOS)
ULN2004A (6-15V CMOS, PMOS)
application of ULN2003 Motor Driver IC:
- solenoids
- relays
- dc motors
- led displays
- incandescent bulbs
- thermal print heads
- high-power buffers
specifications of the ULN2003 Driver IC:
- nominal collector current 500 milliamps (single output)
- high output voltage: 50 volts
- output clamp diodes