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Tags: ws2811 ic, led driver, ic
the IC WS2811 is a standard and efficient ic that can receive data signals for lighting control in various ways, such as through digital pins from an arduino board, rgb led controllers, or other means. the ws2811 has three output channels specifically designed for led driver circuits, aimed at reducing power supply noise; these three output channels are designed to delay the turn-on operation. this ic can control three leds in a chain of led lights. as a result, all three lights count as one pixel. this means that when you program the lighting using the programmable ws2811 ic, all three led lights operate as a single independent unit and the color of these three lights will change simultaneously. one of the important advantages of the ws2811 is that you can program each of these pixels, which consist of three led lights, separately. this feature provides high flexibility in the programming of the ws2811 model ic, making it suitable for implementing various lighting designs in diverse conditions. the wsdxx series ics have been among the most successful products of worldsemi, and with an operating voltage of 12 to 14 volts, you can connect this ic to the mains power without any issues and use it.
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